Saturday, June 18, 2011

Niagara Falls Keychain to be given away!!

Since I can't post photos anymore  here, I have created another blog to post WWFE photos there.   Now, I still have 1 more Niagara Falls keychain to be given away.  Another 2 will be given to:-

3.  ????? still available...

So, to Wahida:  I will send it by next week, InsyaAllah.

to  Yong MOHKEMBARA:  still waiting for your email....xde address how can I send for you??  hehehe...

Keychain photo, pls clik HERE.


  1. Since I can't post photos anymore here, I have created another blog to post WWFE photos there.

    p/s= apa problem yer x dpt post photo.

  2. sebenarnya saya dh guna abis limit dh kot utk gambar tu...sbb sblm ni saya upload gambar, x resize dulu gambar tu bagi kecik....skrg dh x boleh nk post gambar, server rejected!
